Creating The Perfect Bed

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With the holidays just around the corner, we thought this would be a great time to share how to make the perfect bed. I don’t know anyone that doesn’t fully appreciate fabulous linens. We think completing the ultimate bed incorporates comfort and beauty! The following six steps can make that happen:

1. Selecting the right mattress

The first thing to select when completing the quintessential good night’s sleep is finding the perfect mattress. Everyone has a different take on what this should be, so we recommend trying out several mattresses to determine your perfect fit. I prefer a temper pedic but a yummy pillow top will work just fine! Mattresses should be replaced every 6-8 years. We highly recommend a zippered protector for any mattress to protect from dust mites, household allergens and stains. Mattress covers should be washed approximately every two months.

2. Headboard vs Headboard & Footboard

If you’re limited on space or just need a finished look, upholstered headboards create coziness to a space that allow for color and/or pattern. I love the opportunity to customize headboard shapes and select custom fabrics in any space; however, I have found some adorable pre-made headboards as well! We recently found the most adorable purple linen headboard online for a TCU grad’s guest room. It was perfect!! Some people prefer a headboard and footboard. If you have a large room this is a perfect solution. We have provided all iron, wood, upholstered, or a mix of both for our clientele.

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3. Bed skirts and upholstered bed frames

When applying a bed skirt the one rule of thumb is to barely graze the floor. To avoid a puddled mess, custom skirts are the easiest (because someone else is doing all the work) or if you’re installing a pre-made skirt they can be adhered with skirt pins that are curved or twisted that attach to the box-spring. This helps hold the skirt in place when changing sheets. 

We are also fans of the upholstered bed frame! Tucking in your sheets and blankets is super simple and will give a clean look to any space.

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4. Sheets

The next level to making the most amazing bed is of course…the sheets. When you hear experts speak about thread counts it refers to the number of horizontal and vertical threads per square inch. Generally, the higher the thread count, the softer the sheet, and the more likely it will wear well — or even soften — over time. Good sheets range anywhere from 200 to 800.

Make your bed with the finished side of your flat sheet face down.  We recommend doing this because, when you fold back the top of your sheet you will uncover the pretty edging or pattern. This should fold on top of your coverlet or duvet (see image above).

5. Duvets, Coverlets, and Quilts

It depends on the space as to what I select for finalizing the consummate bed topper. Sometimes I will use a beautiful coverlet or quilt. Other times you might find I placed a duvet with an antique blanket or throw at the end of the bed. The key is to find what will make the client happy and proceed from there. Something I really relish (see attached image) is to create a throw (that is not necessarily the correct size for the bed) that gently drapes at the end. It creates color and texture and also functions great if you want to read and not mess up the sheets!

6. Finishing Touches

I like things fairly simple so you will not see a ton of pillows on the bed (if we design it). We typically like to add sleeping pillows with one or two decorative pillows in front (as needed). We love to add a bench at the end of the bed which is not only functional but beautiful as well.


The Scout Guide, 2020


Dorothy Draper